Book an Appointment

How To Book An Appointment

Our clinics are by appointment only. Consultations are for 10 minutes, however, can be longer by prior arrangement. 
Urgent patient problems will be telephoned or seen as soon as possible, generally on the same day.

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Pharmacy & Self-Care

Your pharmacy can advise you on minor illness without the need of an appointment. Please speak to a pharmacist first.

Pharmacy Logo

Pharmacy & Self-Care

Pharmacists are qualified healthcare professionals who can offer clinical advice, over the counter medicines and their use, to effectively and safely manage a range of minor health concerns. They can also help you to decide whether you'll need to see a doctor. You don't need an appointment and you won't even be asked to make a purchase. Every pharmacy also has a private consultation area for you to talk about your symptoms in private if you prefer.

Locate your local Pharmacy

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Who Should I See?

Find out which services we provide

You can find out what services we provide and how to book an appointment via our services page

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Care Navigation

Our receptionists may ask for a brief outline of your problem when you ring to book an appointment. This is called Care Navigation.

It means we are training receptionists and clerical staff to help them help patients by identifying the most appropriate place for their care.

Through this specialist training, our practice team will be able to direct you to the most appropriate health clinician for your needs first.

Receptionists will never offer clinical advice or triage; this new way of working is about offering you the choice to see more appropriate professionals in the practice team or even somewhere else. If they can deal with the problem directly, it will often be quicker and means you may not need to see the GP at all. 

By working this way, it helps to free up time for GPs to care for patients with complex or serious health conditions that can only be managed by the GP. More importantly though, it means people are seen first by the clinician that is best placed to manage their clinical problem.

The choice is always yours though and you will never be refused a GP appointment but we hope next time you contact your GP and speak with the receptionist you will see the value of seeing another health professional if they are able to help.

If you would like someone to explain this to you in person, a member of our practice team will be happy to help.

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Book a Routine Appointment

Patients may make an appointment (to see any one of the Practice GPs) by telephoning or attending reception between 8.30am and 6.00pm Monday to Friday

Patients are allocated a 10 minute appointment to see the GP. Please be aware that the GP is only able to address one problem during this period. If you feel you will need more than 10 minutes, please request a double appointment.

Due to the negative feedback we have received from patients regarding the book on the day system we have run recently and after further discussion with the it has been decided to reduce the book on the day appointments and open up more pre-bookable appointments. 

We hope this will ease the problems experienced by patients.

If, however, you still feel this is still a failing system, please do talk to us and we will do our best to accommodate any constructive suggestions made by our patients.

How To Book

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Cancel or change an Appointment

Please let us know as soon as possible if you need to cancel or change your Appointment

GP appointment? Don't need it? Cancel it!

We know people forget things, cancelling GP appointments being one of them. Remember to cancel your appointment if you don't need it.


How to Cancel an Appointment

If you are unable to keep your appointment, please give us as much notice as possible so that your appointment can be offered to someone else.

If you are cancelling please telephone us on 01732 667 443 as soon as possible, and at least 30 minutes before your appointment time. This will enable us to offer your appointment to someone else.

Alternatively you can cancel your appointment online using Patient Access or The NHS App if you are signed up to the service.

Please remember that there may be a shortage of appointments and when you fail to attend you have prevented someone else from being seen in your place. On average about 230 appointments are missed each month

Cancellations notified less than 30 minutes before the appointment time will be recorded as failure to attend (DNA).

Repeated failure to attend booked appointments is a significant waste of NHS resources

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Extended Access

The NHS has introduced Extended Access Services which provides patients with 'out of hours' evening and weekend appointments with a GP or other healthcare professional

This will be at either Hadlow Medical Centre or a nearby General Practice Hub.

The extended access services at Hadlow Medical Centre will be every Wednesday evening between the hours of 6.30pm - 8.00pm.

There will also be weekend and Bank Holiday extended access services available that we can book on your behalf, however, these will be limited and are being held at nearby General Practice Hubs.  

If you book an apppointment during the Bank Holiday and weekend services, you will be seeing an alternative GP, not a GP from Hadlow Medical Centre, however, these GPs will be able to access your records during the appointment timeframe.

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Life Threatening - Go to A&E

If you or someone you know has a life-threatening condition, such as loss of consciousness, a sudden confused state, chest pain, breathing difficulties etc, you should call 999

In an EMERGENCY call 999.
Emergencies are situations that cannot be managed at home and may be life threatening