Image of Victor Street Surgery

New Patient Registration


Registration Forms

If you wish to register you will need to complete a registration form. When you have completed all of the details, click on the "Submit Form" button to mail your form to us. We will send you a message once you are registered.

New Patient Registration and Questionnaire (over 16)

New Patient Registration and Questionnaire (under 16)

Change of Contact Details

Communication Consent

Your Named GP

All Patients registered with the surgery will have been allocated a named accountable GP who will be responsible for your overall care. However, you can book appointments with any of the GPs at the surgery. If you have a preference to which GP you are allocated, the practice will make reasonable efforts to accommodate your requests. If you wish to know which GP has been allocated to you, please ask reception at your next visit.

The NHS App

Hadlow Medical Centre would like to invite you to use The NHS App

Owned and run by the NHS, the NHS App is a simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services on your smartphone or tablet.


NHS App image